At Pleasure in Palms, our salesmen will explain to you the best way to plant out your palms, and you will be given the relevant Handout free of charge.


  • Use a good soil mixture - one third each topsoil, compost and manure which must be firmly stamped down and well watered in a generous sized hole. A handful of single super phosphate will encourage root growth rate.
  • Do not expose the roots of the palm during planting. Cut the bottom off the sack or sleeve, place palm in hole, remove the rest of the sacking carefully making sure the soil bole and root system remain intact. This is easier if the SOIL IN THE SLEEVES IS DRY WHEN PLANTING. Keep the soil at the original level of the palm stem.
  • Make sure your palm is well firmed into the soil, water regularly, feed it and enjoy the results. Compound J or Ammonium Nitrate is highly recommended for palms.

Planting Guide

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Clare Hingeston

Managing Director

0712 208568
0777 119970

Land lines 0242 702406

Weekdays: 0800 - 1700hrs
Saturdays: 0900 - 1300hrs

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